The school is broadly divided into three groups; Foundation class, Lower School and Upper School. However, lessons are also taught vertically, meaning that should your child be particularly gifted or interested in particular subjects they are allowed to develop their talents without limit.
For instance, you will frequently see a child of 7 with a high reading age enjoying a lesson alongside 10 year olds. This also means that should your child be ‘struggling’ in another area it would not feel odd to consolidate a skill alongside younger learners. Our classes are arranged by stage rather than age.
There is a timetable to enable the week to encompass all the different subjects but particular topics may be learnt by immersion for whole days at a time.
We cover a broad range of subjects in addition to the core curriculum. Our Children are encouraged to expand their thoughts and ideas, while verbal and non-verbal reasoning encourages their ability to think around a topic.
The school stands on 6 acres of playing fields, wild flower meadows and trees.
The school day starts at 9 am and finishes at 3:30 pm, except for Fridays when Lower School finishes at 1 pm and Upper School finishes at 3 pm.
Foundation Class
At the heart of the Foundation Class lies the belief that children learn best when they are happy. The team work alongside the children (ages ranging from 4-7) to nurture a curiosity for learning which we try to adapt to the needs of the child. We encourage a learning through play for the younger children which naturally progresses into some more formalised approaches in order to gain Maths and Literacy skills when the children are ready.
We recognise children learn and develop at different rates and we provide an enabling environment with adult support to achieve this. We try to take our learning outdoors into our beautiful surroundings here at LLangattock School Monmouth as much as possible. Children love our Daily Mile through the grounds and the Forest School weekly session with our specialist teacher.
We follow an adapted combination of the Welsh and English Curriculum. Each term has its own topic on which we base our learning, however, we do have the ability to be flexible so we can take the interests of the child into consideration.
Wellbeing is paramount. We hope to build positive relationships between all in the class as well as recognising it’s ok to make mistakes. We aim to build resilience in children so they can manage their emotions and enjoy their school life as they grow and develop.
Lower School
Lower School covers the Key Stage 2 age range from Year 3 to Year 6. Pupils follow a broad and balanced skills based curriculum with an emphasis on creativity, music and outdoor learning alongside traditional academic subjects. Children have a main teacher who is responsible for the overall curriculum in their class and is the main point of contact for parents, but they are also taught by a range of specialist teachers who are experts in their subject. Subjects such as French, Art and Classics are taught across all the age groups by subject specialists who are able to cover the subject in much greater depth.
Outdoor learning is a fundamental part of education at Llangattock with gardening and Forest School being key parts of the timetable. In addition, the outside space is utilised for literacy and numeracy lessons wherever possible. As a Montessori-inspired setting, the timetable is kept flexible so that learning need not be interrupted if the children are fully absorbed in an activity. Time can also be given to experiential learning as and when the opportunity arises. This gives the lessons a more relaxed feel than more conventional schooling ensuring that children are always fully engaged in their learning.
Children are taught in small classes and are vertically grouped for core subjects, so that they are taught by stage and not age. This means that no child is left behind and more able pupils can move on ahead of their peers if they are ready. Pupils are also encouraged to be help each other with their work, which acts to consolidate their own learning, but also to frame achievement as a group effort, rather than a competition.
Upper School
Upper school takes pupils from year 7 up to GCSE and beyond. Pupils follow a broad range of subjects, but can start to choose particular pathways suited to their aspirations as they move through the years. Some may wish to accrue a large number of GCSEs over several years, while others may wish to concentrate on a smaller number of subjects that are better suited to their particular strengths.
Parents, students and staff collaborate to ensure an individualised programme that also provides a broad range of ongoing study options post-16. Most of our students go on to local 6th form colleges, although there is the option to stay on for A levels with us if required.
Upper School currently runs the following GCSE programmes:
English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Human Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Geography, History, Art, Latin, Business Studies
Other subjects may be available on request if sufficient students show an interest, or through 1:1 tuition.
Vocational subjects such as Childcare and Horticulture can also be arranged. If you have a particular interest that is not listed above, please contact us to discuss your requirements.