Sophie leading a numeracy memory game
Our pre-school covers the age range 3 to 4 years with children being incorporated into our Foundation Stage which is right next door.
Open from 8.45 to 3.45 each day, we provide a home from home where your child will feel safe, happy and stimulated; free to explore the world around them. We have an outstanding reputation for language, communication and music. Our children are encouraged to ‘have a go’ at all sorts of activities, taught by real experts in their fields.
As the children move through Foundation, they are exposed to the classroom setting in a fun and engaging way. Group activities encourage co-operation building a social individual. Older children who are ready to engage in higher levels of learning, can join Lower School for some lessons while still enjoying self-directed learning.
At Llangattock School Monmouth we pride ourselves on our secure, rural environment and our mature, experienced staff. We take the partnership approach and look to build your child’s future together on firm foundations.
Llangattock School Monmouth is inspired by the Montessori approach of child led learning, but reflects the times we live in.
Conceived in the 1900s by the enlightened Maria Montessori this method was revolutionary in its time and is based on the theory that children learn best through practical experiment and experience. For instance, they might be encouraged to place objects in order of size, differentiate between sounds, feel different textures and so on.
The social aspects of a child’s behaviour are nurtured from an early age, encouraging children to share, complete tasks, tidy up, wash their hands, etc.
This gives the children a range of environments in which to learn at their own pace, using their own preferred medium in their quest for knowledge.
Music and rhyme sit happily alongside games and physical play, encouraging memory and success.
Pre-school Life
What do we get up to all day?

The pre-school is open from 8.45 until 3.45 Monday to Friday
Children on half days can be collected either at 12 or after lunch at 1pm.
We run to the same term times as the school.
All the teachers eat with the children to establish good eating practice from an early age.
Our staff are trained to deal with most situations; first aid or long term chronic conditions. They are trained in the administration of epi pens, diabetic shots etc.