Admissions Procedure and Fees

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We’re looking forward to hearing from you

  • Myra Hughes is Head of Pastoral and our school admissions officer. She has worked at the school for over 17 years and lives the ethos. She has over 30 years of experience and one of her many strengths is building relationships with children for those first crucial months after joining school alongside our Head teacher. Myra has a passion for working with children and building safe and trusting relationships. She is a passionate advocate of the school and our community, supporting staff, parents and children alike.

  • Lynette Edwards is our receptionist and administrative manager. She is also a qualified teacher who knows and understands the varied needs of staff, students and parents. She will be there to answer your queries and welcome you to the school with her calm, patient and professional approach.

If you would like to be considered for admission to Llangattock School Monmouth, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment for a visit and to collect a registration form.

Llangattock School Monmouth does not select based on academic ability so there is no entrance exam, but there will be an informal interview for you and your child with the Principal and/or Headteacher.

Following receipt of the registration form and after the interview, you will then receive formal notice as to the outcome of the application and whether a place is available.

There are three terms per year.  Fees are paid termly 14 days in advance of the term start date.

Flexi-schooling is available by arrangement, though spaces on certain days may be limited.

Please see

Fees for Academic Year 2024/2025

Primary Stage One Fees (Pre-School, Year R – Year 2)

£3,180 per term

Primary Stage Two Fees  (Year 3 – Year 6)

£3,576 per term

Middle/Initial School (Year 7 - Year 9)

£4,416 per term

Upper School (Year 10 – Year 11)

£5,232 per term

Senior School (Year 12-Year 13)

£6,360 per term

All above fees include VAT at 20%

Special placement fees are available on request


A proportion of our children are supported by counties through an EHCP or IDP. Please do get in touch if you have further queries about this.

We work in partnership with a local charity, Aptitude Trust, who help to support children who have become disengaged from education due to trauma or loss.

Please visit for more information

From time to time, we award scholarships for MAT (More Able and Talented) children. These are entirely at the discretion of the Proprietor.